Monday, May 17, 2010

Build A Tivo

TiVo is one of several brands of digital video recorders (DVRs). The technology of DVR allows you to record TV shows as they air, and play them back later. A DVR has all the features of VCRs, but it can also pause live TV, set up recurring recordings and more. Use these instructions to make your own DVR.


1. Choose a TV capture card, which allows you to receive TV signals on your computer. If you have an older or less powerful PC, consider looking for a card that does the video encoding on the card in order to free up PC processing power.

2. Pick digital video recorder (DVR) software. Most DVR software requires that your computer be running either Windows or Linux. Since recent Macintosh computers typically run on a UNIX-based backend, you may also be able to run DVR software off a Mac.

3. Install the TV capture card and the DVR software on your computer. Connect the TV capture card to your cable service. Follow the instructions provided by the TV capture card to tune in TV signals.

4. Configure the DVR software. You may need to configure a location for the software to download your local TV listings. Once you have TV listings, you may set the DVR to record your favorite TV programs and play them back on demand later.

Tags: capture card, your computer, digital video, play them, play them back