Thursday, March 11, 2010

Charge A Dead Rechargeable Battery

Battery charger

Rechargeable batteries are one way to save on your average battery cost. Think about how many times you toss a dead battery only to replace it with another battery that will soon die the same way. Alkaline batteries are sold everywhere, and are the most common type of batteries in the United States. However, with an investment in rechargeable batteries, you will rarely have to buy another battery.


1. Select your type of battery charger based on the rechargeable batteries you have. There are four primary types of rechargeable batteries: lithium ion, nickel metal hydride, nickel zinc and nickel cadmium. These batteries are used for specific applications, like lithium ion for digital cameras and laptops, and NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) for basic applications where alkaline batteries are used.

2. Place the dead batteries inside the charger. Many chargers, such as the AA NiMH charger, are not positive or negative specific, you only have to secure the batteries firmly inside the charger. Lithium ion batteries, however, may need to be placed with one end up, depending on the charger instructions.

3. Push the charger plug into the power outlet and allow the device time to charge the batteries. Do not charge your batteries where water can drip on them, or on a clustered power strip. There is an indicator light that will tell you when the batteries are charged. The red light represents no charge, while the green light represents a fully charged battery.

4. Place your fully charged batteries in the device you desire, but be sure to read the instructions before using rechargeable batteries on anything new. Some packages will advise against using a particular type of rechargeable battery, while others will advise against combining alkaline with rechargeable batteries. Also, if you charge batteries before they are completely dead, they may develop a shorter lifespan between chargings.

Tags: rechargeable batteries, advise against, another battery, batteries used, charge batteries