Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Camera Phones

About Camera Phones

Cameras have become one of the most sought after accessories on cell phones. The chance to instantly transmit photos is just irresistible. Camera phones are fast becoming the biggest seller of all the choices of cell phones. They are no longer considered something people want, but rather something they need.


The first patents for a device similar to the camera phones of today were filed back in the 1960s. But it was not until the 1990s and the invention of CMOS active pixel image sensor--the ability to put a camera on a computer chip--that camera phones became viable. The first camera phones marketed in the United States were made by Sanyo and marketed by Sprint in 2002. Thuraya marketed the first satellite camera phone in 2006.


The most important feature to look for in a camera phone is the amount of megapixels. The more megapixels a camera has, the better the quality and resolution the pictures will have. Camera phones also have other features including the ability to save the pictures to be downloaded later, play games, record music and video, text messaging and receive news, sports and weather information. And they come in just about any color you can imagine.


You need to take into consideration that you may be invading someone's privacy when you take a picture. A person cannot tell if you are talking on the phone or taking a picture and if the person is on private property, you could be in violation of the law. You also need to consider that your cell phone company will charge a monthly fee for sending the pictures. Cost of the phone is often not a big consideration. Sometimes you can even get a phone for free with an extended contract.


Camera phones allow you to take a picture and transmit it instantly to anyone anywhere. And since most people have their cell phone with them at all times, a camera is always handy and ready for the surprise picture. Pictures taken by ordinary people with their camera phones have helped solve crimes and resulted in the photographers getting recognition on local and national news programs.


Camera phones are banned from many places, including government buildings, courts, museums, theaters and schools. If you are caught using a camera phone in a restricted area, you could be asked to leave or have the camera phone confiscated until you do. In government buildings, you could end up in more serious trouble.

Tags: camera phone, Camera phones, camera phones, cell phone, cell phones, government buildings