Thursday, December 12, 2013

Check The Speed Of A Variable Speed Audio Tape Cassette Player

A variable-speed audiotape cassette player enables tapes to be played slower than is normal. This enhances the experience when playing an audiobook cassette or listening to a tape that is full of hiss and other noise "contaminants." To check the speed of the variable-speed knob, use a stopwatch and an audiobook cassette. The procedure is straightforward and will not damage the cassette player in any way.


1. Open the cassette door. Insert the audiobook cassette in the cassette depression. Close the cassette door.

2. Adjust the variable-speed knob to the "default" normal position. Press the "Play" button.

3. Time 15 seconds with the stopwatch. Press the stopwatch's stem and the "Stop" button on the cassette player when 15 seconds have elapsed. Make a note of the word that was being spoken when you stopped the cassette.

4. Press the cassette players "Reverse" button to rewind the cassette back to the beginning. Reset the stopwatch.

5. Adjust the variable-speed knob on the cassette player to the "-2X" (half speed) setting. Press the "Play" button. Time 30 seconds with the stopwatch.

6. Press the stopwatch's stem and the "Stop" button on the cassette player when 30 seconds have elapsed. Make a note of whether the word that was being listened to when the cassette player was stopped is the same word as was heard earlier --- if so, the "-2X" speed is functioning correctly.

Tags: cassette player, audiobook cassette, variable-speed knob, word that being, Adjust variable-speed, Adjust variable-speed knob, button cassette