Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Troubleshoot A Polar Heart Rate Monitor

If you want to make sure you are working out at a level that will reap the proper benefits, wearing a heart rate monitor can help. Polar is a major manufacturer of such monitors, which track how hard you are working out. You wear a chest strap that contains electrodes to pick up your heart rate; the information is then transmitted to a special watch that displays that rate. While these monitor are useful devices, they experience some common problems, many of which are due to improper use and storage.


Eliminate Erratic Heart Rate Readings

1. Wear the monitor correctly. If you are finding that your heart-rate readings are jumping erratically from low numbers to high numbers, you may not be wearing the monitor correctly. Make sure the chest strap is tight enough. When you first put on the strap, it should be tight to the point where it feels a bit uncomfortable. It will loosen a bit as you work out. If you are using your monitor in a gym setting, the problem could also be that you are too close to another monitor user.

2. Moisten the electrodes. Inaccurate readings on your Polar heart rate monitor can be the result of not properly wetting the electrodes. They need to be moist to provide accurate data. Avoid using petroleum jelly or any other product that could interfere with the conductivity of the electrodes. Saliva or plain water work best. As you work out, your sweat will help to keep the electrodes moist. You also need to periodically clean them (gently) with soap and water.

3. Properly store your monitor to avoid damaging the electrodes. Store it in its natural shape; do not bend the monitor. Make sure the electrodes are completely dry before storing the device. If they are wet, the monitor may remain active and drain the battery. Do not store the device in area where the temperature may reach extremes of hot or cold (such as in a car), or where it will be exposed to direct sunlight. The Polar manufacturing company recommends that the device stay between the temperatures of 14 and 122 degrees F.

Investigate Electromagnetic Disturbances

4. Make sure you are not too close to other devices that give off electromagnetic signals. This includes TVs, computers, cell phones and some pieces of exercise equipment. Static electricity from clothing can also interfere with your readings.

5. If you suspect interference, remove the chest transmitter, then continue to exercise. If the heart symbol continues to flash, you are picking up interference. Move the wrist receiver until you find a location where it does not flash; then replace your chest transmitter.

6. If the interference is being caused by exercise equipment, try placing the wrist receiver on the side rail, away from the electronics display on the front of the equipment. If the problem is your clothing, try wetting the area of that clothing with which your chest monitor comes into contact.

Tags: heart rate, chest strap, chest transmitter, exercise equipment, interfere with, Make sure, monitor correctly