Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hook Up An Audio Capacitor

Audio capacitors are an important accessory for many car audio systems. The capacitor serves as a reservoir of electrical power for amplifiers in the stereo, releasing energy to the amplifier as necessary to maintain steady power flow. This makes the amplifier work better, and also eliminates the dimming of the car's lights sometimes seen in large car audio systems that are being run at high volume. Hooking up a car audio capacitor is a job that the car audio hobbyist is certainly capable of doing.


1. Remove the end of the power cable leading to your amplifier from the battery, using a 3/8-inch open end wrench.

2. Cut the power cable at a location about one to two feet from the amplifier, using a set of wire cutters. Remove 1/2 inch of the jacket from each end of the cut, leaving 1/2 inch of bare wire.

3. Loosen the two terminals marked (+) on the top of the capacitor with a 12 mm allen wrench. Insert the ends of the cut power wire into the terminals, one wire to each terminal.

4. Loosen the negative (-) terminal on the top of the capacitor with your allen wrench. Insert one end of a grounding cable into the opening and tighten the terminal to hold the wire in place. Connect the other end of the ground cable to the grounding bolt your amplifier is attached to.

Tags: allen wrench, allen wrench Insert, audio systems, capacitor with, power cable, wrench Insert, your amplifier