Friday, April 15, 2011

Pick A Blackberry

The BlackBerry is a personal digital assistant that synchronizes with your desktop email, calendar and task list. It operates as a cell phone as well. There are many different BlackBerry models. Choose the right BlackBerry based on how you plan to use it.


1. Figure out if the cell phone is more important than the email and calendar, and how you feel holding a rectangular BlackBerry up to your ear.

2. Decide on the kind of keyboard you want. BlackBerry has models with SureType keyboards, which are similar to texting on a cell phone where several letters share a key, as well as models with the traditional QWERTY keyboard where each letter gets its own key.

3. Look at all the models your service provider carries. Unless you plan on switching providers there is no sense in examining them all. Not all providers offer everything BlackBerry sells.

4. Compare models. The features are often presented in a checklist.

5. Check out the BlackBerry Pearl for a cell phone style. Check the 7000 through 8000 series for the email-addict styles. The Pearl, remember, is a SureType model.

6. Borrow several models from friends or colleagues, and play around. The keyboard feel on each model is different, and some only support certain screen features. Ask the owner for an instant review.

Tags: cell phone, BlackBerry models, email calendar, models with