Thursday, April 21, 2011

Make A Speaker Box For A Truck

Pickup s and other trucks are useful and utilitarian vehicles. However, many models, particularly older models, are lacking in the quality of their sound systems. One solution is to build a speaker box or boxes for your truck. This allows you to enjoy the sound quality of improved speakers without having to potentially modify existing door panels, or add speakers where none were before, like behind your truck's seat. With some basic materials and a little carpentry, you can have a solid set of speaker boxes built in a few hours.


1. Sketch out a design for your box. Your design needs to take into account the size of the speaker you're putting into it as well as where you'll be putting the box.

2. Cut out the side and top and bottom panels of the box, based on your design. Use a circular or table saw if possible, so you get clean, straight cuts. Assemble these pieces together, using wood glue and wood screws.

3. Cut out the front and rear panels of the box. These should be large enough to cover the existing panels you've put together. Cut an opening for the speaker in the front panel and an opening for the terminal cup in the rear panel using your drill and jig saw.

4. Mount the rear panel onto the box, then place the terminal cup into the opening and secure it with wood screws. Seal the joints of the box from the inside with silicone caulk. Connect a piece of speaker wire to the inside tabs of the terminal cup.

5. Place the front panel onto the box, using wood screws and wood glue. Connect the speaker wire to the terminals of your speaker, and mount the speaker into the opening using wood screws. If your speaker came with a grille, place that over the speaker to protect it from accidental damage.

Tags: wood screws, using wood, front panel, into opening, panel onto