Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Wire Telephones With Coaxial Cable

A coaxial cable is more sturdy and flexible than conventional telephone wiring. You can wire a landline telephone using coaxial cable, providing that you have the proper tools. These tools can be acquired from a hardware store or garden and home supply. The procedure is straightforward and does not rely on having any previous experience in wiring telephones.


1. Measure the distance between the telephone wall plate and the landline telephone's base station with a tape measure. Cut a length of coaxial cable that is 4 inches longer than the length needed with a coax cutter blade.

2. Slit 2 inches in on the outer insulation from each end of the coaxial cable with a utility knife. Peel the insulation back from both ends. Cut off the insulation with the utility knife.

3. Peel back the inner sheath surrounding the plastic-covered center wire from both ends with your fingers. Twist the inner sheath at both ends between your fingers to form a thin rod.

4. Slit an inch in on the plastic-covered center wire from each end of the coaxial cable with the utility knife. Peel back the plastic covering. Cut off the plastic covering with the utility knife.

5. Loosen the screws from the telephone wall plate with a Phillips screwdriver. Remove the wall plate. Loosen the two top screws on the connector block inside the wall.

6. Wrap the end of the center wire at one end of the coaxial cable around the top-left screw. Wrap the inner sheath rod at the same end as the center wire that was attached around the top-right screw. Screw in both screws with the Phillips screwdriver.

7. Cut a notch in the lower left of the wall plate with the utility knife. Place the wall plate back onto the wall, pulling the coaxial cable through the notch.

8. Run the coaxial cable over to the landline telephone. With scissors, cut off the end of the telephone cord connected to the telephone's base station.

9. Slit 4 inches in on the outer insulation from the end of the telephone cord with the utility knife. Peel the outer insulation back and cut it off with the scissors. Separate the wires inside of the cord. Cut all but the red and green wires off with the scissors.

10. Twist the bare end of the red wire and the bare end of the coaxial cable's center wire around each other. Wrap a strip of electrical tape around the two wires to secure them together.

11. Twist the bare end of the green wire and the end of the rod on the end of the coaxial cable around each other. Wrap a strip of electrical tape around the two wires to secure them together. Wrap a strip of electrical tape around the end of the telephone cord and the end of the coaxial cable to secure them together.

Tags: coaxial cable, utility knife, with utility, with utility knife, center wire