Monday, January 21, 2013

Shoot In Indoor Basketball Games

Photographing indoor basketball

If you are a professional photographer assigned to take photos of an indoor basketball game, getting the right shot can be tricky. The right moment to snap the picture can come and go in the blink of an eye, but getting the right mix of action and emotion can land your photo on the front page of the sports section. The key to great photos is one that complements the story that accompanies it.


1. Find a location close to the baseline, but not on the court. Action shots are taken from close to the game that show the players well.

2. Aim for the players. Take a picture that shows at least half of a player's body.

3. Ensure your target is unobstructed by other players and objects. Take the photo.

4. Review the picture. Keep taking pictures until you have several different shots.

5. Move around the baseline of the court for different angles and take more photos. Take pictures from both behind the backboard as well as the sidelines.

Tags: baseline court, getting right