Thursday, October 18, 2012

Flash Recommendation For The Nikon D700

On-board flashes often cause harsh lighting in the center of photos.

The Nikon D700 is a powerful digital camera for serious photographers. It carries an on-board flash, but the flash isn't strong or flexible enough to help you capture the best possible photos in any lighting situation. Your flash should be able to even out shadows in bright daylight as well as add light to dark situations. The Nikon SB-400 flash offers the flexibility, mobility and power needed to even out your light in the harshest conditions.


Flashes can add an enormous amount of weight to your camera. The SB-400 flash is lightweight, which makes it ideal for photographers on long shoots or who are carrying their camera for long periods of time. The SB-400 weighs in at just heavier than 6 ounces with the batteries.


The SB-400 offers a tilt feature to allow you to bounce the flash off the ceiling. Bouncing the flash diffuses the light and evens out the lighting in the room to reduce shadows. The tilt feature also allows you to change the direction of the light in your photos.

Recycle Time

Many flashes take several seconds to recycle, or recharge and prepare for the next flash. The SB-400 recycles in about three seconds, allowing you to take quick consecutive shots.


The Nikon SB-400 is affordable, at $120 at the time of publication. Larger flashes, such as the Nikon SB-600, start at $350. Although it has a sideways swivel feature the SB-400 lacks, the SB-600 is much heavier and takes longer to recycle. The SB-400 uses only two AA batteries, which makes it affordable throughout its lifespan; most other flashes use four or six batteries.

Tags: Nikon D700, Nikon SB-400, SB-400 flash, tilt feature, which makes