Friday, January 15, 2010

Types Of Professional Photographer Cameras

There are a number of professional photographic cameras. From small, portable 35 mm cameras to large format studio cameras, each camera serves a specialized purpose.

Small Format Film Cameras

Small format cameras range from sub-35 mm to 35 mm film cameras. They are designed to be portable and very easy to use. Common uses for small format cameras are journalism, or any other use where speed and ease of use is a consideration.

Medium Format Film Cameras

Medium format cameras provide a larger negative, and therefore take much higher quality images. Typical medium format film sizes are 645, 6 by 6 and 6 by 7. Medium format cameras are often used for fashion and wedding photography. Although they are larger than small format cameras, they are still relatively portable and easy to use.

Large Format Film Cameras

Large format cameras use film that ranges in size from 4 by 5 inches to 20 by 24 inches. Large format cameras are still the preferred camera for purposes that require very high quality and high resolution images, like for calendar photography. Large format cameras are large and sometimes unwieldy.

Small Format Digital Cameras

Small format digital single lens reflex (SLR) cameras have become the standard for professional photographic applications that used to use small and medium format film. The high quality and ease of production of digital photography has relegated film photography to a more specialized position.

Medium and Large Format Digital Cameras

Medium and large format digital cameras occupy the very top end of digital photography. Their price is prohibitively high for most photographers, but the image quality from these cameras comes close to the image quality from traditional film cameras.

Tags: format cameras, Format Film Cameras, Large format cameras, Cameras Medium, Cameras Small, Cameras Small format