Rechargeable Batteries
There are several types of rechargeable batteries, including, but not limited to, NiMH, NiCd (NiCad), Li-ion, and alkaline. Each of these has different components, and specific storage requirements may vary. You can find storage, care and maintenance in your owner's manual or the instructions printed on the back of the packaging. There are also many online resources that can explain the proper care for your specific battery type. Storing rechargeable batteries is crucial to proper functioning, just like charging. Storage in the wrong conditions could severely damage or destroy your batteries.
1. Place the batteries into a plastic container, and put the lid on.
2. Store the container in a dry environment with a relatively steady temperature. Avoid extreme hot and cold environments. Stay between 4 and 85 degrees F. Avoid moisture exposure.
3. Do not store batteries where corrosive gases are present.
4. Charge at least once a year for optimum shelf life.
5. Revive stored batteries before use. Do not overcharge the batteries when they come out of storage.
6. Use the general rule of switching out stored batteries: "first in, first out," which means that the first battery you put into the container should be the first one you take out of the container.
Tags: container Store, rechargeable batteries, Rechargeable Batteries, stored batteries