Friday, September 21, 2012

Escort Radar 8500 Problems

Deactive a dim display by pushing the "Dark" button.

The primary purpose of the Escort 8500 radar is to pick up other radar or laser signals being emitted as you travel in your vehicle. After several uses, you may begin to experience problems with your device. Following a few simple steps and performing your own basic maintenance will save you time, frustration, and money.

Mystery Beeps

If your 8500 beeps every time you pass the same locations,but you see no radar sources, a motion sensor or house alarm may be located inside the range of your device. The only ways to stop these signals from occurring is to take a different route or turn off your radar when you travel through that particular area. If you decide to stay on the same route and leave your radar on, you will eventually remember that the radar will beep when passing the location.

Desensitized Radar

If the 8500 seems like it isn't picking up lasers or other radars, make sure the 8500's antenna isn't blocked by windshield wipers. Tinted glass will also hinder the radar's sensitivity, so move your radar to a new, clear location for maximum sensitivity and effectiveness. If necessary, investigate which kind of glass your vehicle has. Instaclear, Electriclear, or solar reflective glass may block your radar and other radars' signals. Check your radar to make sure you're not in "City Mode." "City Mode" will lower your radar's sensitivity heavily.

No Police Car Alerts

If you just passed a police car and the 8500 didn't alert you, the officer may not have had a laser unit or radar activated. It's possible the officer may also have been using the VASCAR (Visual Average Speed Computer and Recorder) method of speed detection. The VASCAR lowers the 8500's ability to detect it, as it isn't constantly activated.

Sagging Radar

If your 8500 is moving around too much or sagging on your windshield, full contact isn't being made from the 8500 to the windshield, so it is unstable. Fix it by holding down the 8500 "EasyMount" button and pushing the 8500 as far back into the windshield as possible. If you can confirm that the top back edge is making firm contact with the windshield, the shaking and sagging should stop.

Power Issues

If you're having problems with your 8500 not powering on, check first that the volume is on. Keep in mind that the 8500 won't turn on, if your car ignition isn't turned on. If your 8500 still isn't receiving power, check that the light socket is functional by plugging another electrical device into the socket. If necessary, remove your 8500 from your car and try it in another car.

Tags: your radar, your 8500, City Mode, make sure, other radars