You can find iPhone apps for everything: games, health, information resources, publications, productivity and budgeting. If you can dream it up, there's an app for that. Downloading new iPhone apps is fun but can quickly become an expensive habit. If you know where to look, you can fill your iPhone with free apps to keep it fun and new.
1. Browse the iPhone App Store for free apps. Tap the "App Store" icon in the iPhone home screen. Tap the "Top 25" icon at the bottom of the screen and choose the "Top Free" button from the top of the next screen for a listing of the top free apps for the week.
2. Follow "148apps_nowfree" on Twitter. This feed notifies followers when iPhone apps permanently or temporarily drop to free at the App Store.
3. Search the Web for free iPhone apps. Many websites and bloggers publish lists of the best freebies. Clicking on a link redirects you to the App Store. Beware, apps often return to a non-free status or even disappear, so the links and free apps listed on these sites may not be available if the list is outdated.
4. Search the Web for iPhone app promo codes. They are hard to find, but with a promo code, you can download otherwise paid apps from the App Store at no charge.
Tags: free apps, iPhone apps