Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tell If A Nikon D300 Is A Grey Market Model

The Nikon D300 is a prosumer digital SLR popular with serious amateur photographers. When shopping online for a D300, you may see wildly divergent price points for it because some sellers are offering grey market products, or cameras that are not meant for sale in the U.S., even though the camera is the same. While the deal may seem too good to pass up, it is important to know that if anything goes wrong with the camera, Nikon USA will not, under any circumstances, repair it. Before buying therefore, you may want to verify if the camera is grey market or meant for the U.S. market.


1. Ask the salesperson in the store about the warranty. Some sellers will state up front that the camera is grey market, while others may say it is covered by a store warranty, in which case it is probably a grey market camera.

2. Look on the bottom of the camera for the serial number. Nikon varies the first number depending on which market the camera was intended to be sold in. If it starts with a 3, it is probably a U.S. model D300.

3. Write down the serial number and call Nikon (1-800-645-6687) and ask the customer service representative if the camera is grey market or not.

Tags: camera grey, camera grey market, grey market, grey market, market camera