Monday, February 16, 2009

Use A Digital Sampling Mixer For Turntables

Sampling was been made popular by the invention of hip-hop music. DJs and producers have been using the technique since the early 80s; however, earlier forms of sampling existed prior to that time. An older method utilized the mellotron, a tape recorder wired into the electronics of a keyboard. The keys could change the pitch of the sample, however it took some time for the tape to rewind and be ready to play the desired sample again. With the digital age, sampling has become faster with even more possibilities for sound creation and manipulation.


1. Ground the turntables by screwing the ground wire's forked end (you can find it near the RCA cables) onto a ground connection at the back of the mixer. Power up the sampling mixer, then turn on the amplifier.

2. Plug the RCA cables for each turntable into the desired phono inputs at the back of the mixer.

3. Plug the main outs of the digital sampling mixer directly into the amplifier, if there is no other mixer in use for sub mixes or other instruments. If this is a home stereo amplifier, plug into the auxiliary inputs as the mixer already has phono pre amps.

4. Consult the sampler instruction manual for directions on how your particular model initiates the sampling process. Each digital mixer model functions differently in this regard. Some will also have different settings regarding the length of the sample you want to record. You may want to record a sample for four bars, eight bars, or sixteen.

5. Check out the effects processor. Some digital mixers with sampling capabilities also have built-in effects processors.

6. Record the samples using your mixer and turntable as you normally would. You may want to physically manipulate the record while you are sampling if the sample sounds better that way.

7. Export your samples. Once recorded, the stored samples should be easily exportable to a computer with any type of Digital Audio Workstation such as Pro Tools, Cubase, or Reason, with the appropriate cable runs. Samples stored on the mixer device can be transferred to a digital format when connected using RCA, quarter inch, eighth inch, USB or firewire cables.

Tags: also have, back mixer, sampling mixer, want record