Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Use The Blackberry Facebook

Blackberry socialites can converse wirelessly through Facebook at no cost. The free software allows people to connect in many ways, from writing messages on wall posts to uploading photos taken with the devices' built-in cameras. Facebook novices can benefit from reading the simple tips in this guide.


1. Select the Facebook symbol on the Blackberry. Another screen will pop up to show activity icons across the top and message notifications located below, sequenced in descending order. Highlight "Alerts," and click the "Trackball" to read in detail.

2. Manage photos by pressing the "Upload" option on Facebook. Choose pictures on the "Device Memory" or images preloaded on the smartphone. Users can decide to caption and tag photos afterwards.

3. View "Friends List" by pressing on it from the top of the screen. A window will appear, displaying buddies with updated status. Send messages, poke, post on walls or view entire profiles after picking out names.

4. Chat with friends and fellow Facebook users. Push on the "Send a Message" button on the navigation screen, and enter a friend's name. After clicking the name with the trackball, fill in the blank fields and choose "Send."
